Between 85–92% of premises can now access 5G from at least one operator (up from 76–85% in 2023).

The roll-out of 5G technology, combined with advancements around the internet of things (IoT), has initiated a significant digital transformation across various industries across the UK. From healthcare to transportation, these developments are enhancing efficiency, security and overall connectivity.

In this article, we explore the impact of 5G technology in the UK and the IoT in UK industries — focusing on the healthcare, security, automotive and transportation sectors — and provide insights into the key technologies driving this transformation.

Transforming healthcare

We are seeing a dramatic shift across the UK’s healthcare sector due to the integration of 5G and IoT technologies. The high-speed, low-latency capabilities of 5G enable real-time data transfer, which is crucial for remote patient monitoring and telemedicine.

Key technologies include wearable IoT-connected health devices, which can continuously monitor patients’ vital signs and alert healthcare providers to any anomalies. Smart hospital systems are another innovation, utilising IoT devices to manage patient flow, optimise equipment usage and enhance patient care.

Now, we are even starting to see 5G-powered remote surgical procedures, as well as tele‐mentored and real‐time interactive procedures on animal models, cadavers and humans — with 5G networks offering a potential solution to previous latency and reliability hurdles.

Enhancing security

The adoption of 5G and IoT technologies is redefining the security landscape, too. These technologies enhance surveillance, threat detection and emergency response capabilities thanks to their ability to connect a multitude of devices in real time.

Smart surveillance cameras equipped with AI and IoT capabilities, which provide real-time video analytics and automated threat detection, are just one technology category emerging in this sector.

Access control systems are also becoming more sophisticated with the integration of biometric sensors and IoT connectivity, ensuring only authorised personnel can access sensitive areas. Additionally, the development of smart grids utilising the IoT ensures robust and resilient energy infrastructure, which is critical for maintaining security amidst the UK’s digital transformation.

Revolutionising automotive

The automotive industry is another field undergoing a significant digital transformation due to advancements in the IoT and 5G technology in the UK.

For one, the introduction of 5G technology facilitates the development of connected and autonomous vehicles (CAVs), which rely on real-time data exchange for safe and efficient operation. Autonomous driving systems are also heavily reliant on 5G for processing vast amounts of data from sensors and making instantaneous decisions.

Furthermore, IoT-enabled fleet management systems allow companies to monitor vehicle health, optimise routes and reduce operational costs. Other notable technologies include vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communication systems, which enable vehicles to interact with each other and with infrastructure, improving traffic flow and reducing accidents.

Progressing transportation

Finally, the implementation of 5G and IoT technologies is also starting to transform the transportation sector in the UK, leading to smarter and more efficient systems. Intelligent transport systems (ITS), smart ticketing solutions and IoT sensors are just a few of the key technologies driving this change.

ITS can leverage IoT devices to monitor and manage traffic conditions in real time, reducing congestion and improving travel times. Smart ticketing solutions, enabled by 5G, can also provide seamless travel experiences for passengers, integrating various modes of transport into a single, unified system. What’s more, the deployment of IoT sensors on railways and roads ensures predictive maintenance, reducing downtime and enhancing safety.

Swan EMS: manufacturing digital transformation

The impact of 5G technology in the UK and the IoT in UK industries is clear, driving digital transformation across the healthcare, security, automotive and transportation sectors. Not only are these advancements enhancing efficiency and safety in these fields, but they are also paving the way for innovations and new business models.

As the UK continues to embrace 5G and IoT, the future promises even greater advancements and opportunities for these industries and many more.

Swan EMS is at the forefront of this digital transformation, specialising in manufacturing electronic components for the IoT. With extensive experience in this area, we are well-positioned to support the continued growth and integration of IoT-compatible and 5G-connected technologies across various sectors.

Want to discover more about our electronics manufacturing services and how we can help with your next IoT project? Contact us today at +44(0) 1495 320 989 or